Saturday, February 20, 2010

PROGRAM MUSIC: Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons, Op. 37b, November: Troika in E-major & December: Christmas in A-flat major

This work contains twelve character pieces. Tchaikovsky created each piece based on feelings associated with the different months of the year; for example, jingling bells play in the right hand in Troika. The December piece follows waltz rhythm throughout. Both are composed in simple ABA form. In the Russian edition, some of the pieces contain poetic epigraphs by the publisher, Nikolav Bernard. It is interesting to listen to these pieces while remembering these lines:

In your loneliness do not look at the road,
and do not rush out after the troika.
Suppress at once and forever the fear of longing in your heart.

Once upon a Christmas night the girls were telling fortunes:
taking their slippers off their feet and throwing them out of the gate.

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