Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gottschalk's Tremolo, Op. 58

Gottschalk’s Tremolo, Op. 58
Louis Moreau Gottschalk(1829-1869) was an American composer and pianist, born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He received his musical education at the Paris Conservatory in France. When he returned to the United States, he traveled extensively, giving concerts in Central and South America and in the United States. His widespread travels exposed him to a variety of musical traditions. Although this piece does not show evidence of much influence from other cultures, in technical and artistic aspects, the virtuosic playing of its rhythmic precision and cascades of repeated notes is breathtaking.

One of the sources that I found says this work inspired by Tremolo on the theme of Beethoven, Op. 30 by the Belgian violinist Charles-August de Beriot. The title, Tremolo, is clearly a reference to the art of violin playing. This piece is amazing. In terms of its performance perspective, the speed and the evenness of the repeated notes are difficult to bring to perfection, especially the pairs of double notes, which are alternately played by both hands. The key of A produces an enormous sound throughout the piece.

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