Friday, April 30, 2010

BRAHMS: Op. 76, Op. 116, Sonatas and Variations


Capriccio in B minor, Opus 76
This set contains eight pieces. As I’d already compared the four different recordings for one of the assignments, most of them are in ABA form.
1. Capriccio in F#minor- restless, lots of arpeggios
2. Capriccio in B minor- playful, gypsy-like style
3. Intermezzo in Ab major- has syncopated chords played in legato played against a staccato accompaniment
4. Intermezzo in Bb major- use chromatic harmony
5. Capriccio in C# minor- complex rhythm
6. Intermezzo in A major- very lyrical
7. Intermezzo in A minor- has a sad, melancholy melody over an accompaniment
8. Capriccio in C major- difficult to play; complex rhythm

7 Fantasias, Op. 116
1. Capriccio in D minor- virtuosic (Presto)
2. Intermezzo in A minor- meter changes in the central section
3. Capriccio in G minor- there is a trio section in the Neapolitan key of E-flat major
4. Intermezzo in E major- use of variations
5. Intermezzo in E minor- symmetrical
6. Intermezzo in E major- minuet-like
7. Capriccio in D minor- ends on D major
Most of them are in ABA form. The outer section often contrasts the inner section. Characteristics: TURBULENT capriccios and SERENE intermezzos.


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