Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kreisleriana, Op. 16

Schumann described this piece in the following words: “The title conveys nothing to any but Germans, Kreisler is one of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s creations, an eccentric, wild and witty conductor” (Chissell 43). This work only took him four days to complete in 1838 and dedicated to Chopin in the score.

There are eight movements in this piece. The first movement Ausserst bewegt(Extremely moving) is in ABA form. Two outer sections are in D minor and the central section is slow in the key of Bb major. appears this time in a more passionate guise. The Intermezzo moves into dark chromaticism that finds its way back to the final appearance of the opening.The G minor belong to Florestan as the Bb major belong to Eusebius. The form of most of the pieces is in ternary or simple rondo form. Many have contrasting episodes. The falling five-note figure still exists especially in no. 1 and 5. The finale no. 8, the ending fades away into distant silence.

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